Telnetlib - Clearing/resetting within a Telnet Object

Mike Lammon mlammon at
Tue Mar 19 13:01:48 EST 2002

I am writing a small server program to interact with an external
machine.   (It is non-unix).    The program connects fine.  It
issues the commands and receives data fine (most of the time).

This is the problem.  The machine I am connected too sends out
system messages, etc to users who are connected (telnet).  I
can't turn off these system messages so that is not an option.

The next time I issue a command from the client side, It
will return the data but its not from the current command
issued.  It returns the next serious of data in sequence.

I need a way to clear/reset (without destroying the telnet
session) , then issue the current command.

Any ideas?


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