Securely passing arguments when opening a pipe to a program

Donn Cave donn at
Fri Mar 1 16:21:45 EST 2002

Quoth Joonas Paalasmaa <joonas at>:
| I am using Gnokii to send SMS messages with Python. Gnokii is started
| with 
| popen2.popen2 like this:
| gnokiiRead, gnokiiWrite = popen2.popen2("gnokii --sendsms %s" %
| phonenumber)
| gnokiiWrite.write(message)
| gnokiiWrite.close()
| response =
| gnokiiRead.close()
| The problem is that the phonenumber string is not safe; it can even be
| "000; rm -fR ~/*". How can I securely pass arguments when opening the
| pipe?
| Is there a way to pass the arguments like in os.execv.

Yes!  I hear this isn't documented as well as it could be, but
popen2 accepts either a string or a sequence, and in the latter
case the sequence is argv, like in os.execv.

	Donn Cave, donn at

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