Securely passing arguments when opening a pipe to a program

Chris Liechti cliechti at
Fri Mar 1 15:51:50 EST 2002

Joonas Paalasmaa <joonas at> wrote in 
news:3C7FE115.9832EE5C at
> The problem is that the phonenumber string is not safe; it can even 
> be "000; rm -fR ~/*". How can I securely pass arguments when 
> opening the pipe?
> Is there a way to pass the arguments like in os.execv.

you could filter out any character that is not allowin in a phone 
number before passing the string but then you could also use:
... popen2.popen2("gnokii --sendsms %d" % long(phonenumber)

and you will get an exception on illegal phone numbers


Chris <cliechti at>

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