Dictionary Comprehension

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Tue Mar 19 08:00:50 EST 2002

Dale Strickland-Clark <dale at riverhall.NOTHANKS.co.uk> writes:

> What ever happened to the idea of dictionary comprehension discussed
> (well, mentioned in a timid whisper) in the middle of last year?
> I'm doing some dictionary work right now where I keep seeing all sorts
> of neat applications for the idea.
> I'd really like a concise way to work on a filtered subset of a
> dictionary.

It got made into a PEP:


The "Parade of the PEPs" says:

  PEP 274 - Dict Comprehensions - Warsaw

    If we were to adopt dict comprehensions, this PEP says everything
    that needs to be said. But I don't even want to think about this
    for Python 2.3; I think it's way too minor a feature.

    This would be a lot easier to adopt if there was a working
    implementation in patch form.

    Sometimes it would be nice if things like this could be defined
    using hygienic macros or some other kind of preprocessor or
    whatever, and imported from a module, rather than requiring major
    hacking in the parser, the bytecode compiler, and the virtual


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