distutils question

Brian Kelley bkelley at wi.mit.edu
Wed Mar 6 12:45:46 EST 2002

I'm trying to bundle some example files using distutils and have been 
running into some problems.

      package_dir = {'':".."},

       data_files=[('examples', ['examples/example1.py',

What I was expecting was that a directory examples will be created in 
the frowns destination directory.  However it is being placed (under 
windows) in the python install directory.

The .py files are also being compiled to pyo and pyc.  This isn't so bad 
but I'm thinking they probably shouldn't be for documentation examples.

I was thinking about making the destination file "doc/frowns" which 
would probably work under windows installs since there is already a doc 
directory.  Would this work under Linux/Unix?

So the real question is, how do people distribute documentation and 
example code?  I've regressed and decided to put the documentation 
inside a zip file or a tarball and distribute them seperately which is 
not to terribly satisfying.

Also, if any body can tell me how to generate module level docstrings in 
a boost.python enabled package, I would appreciate the tip.

Brian Kelley
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

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