Why isn't pychecker mentioned prominently?

Edward K. Ream edream at tds.net
Sat Mar 2 10:17:32 EST 2002

I just found out about pychecker (http://pychecker.sourceforge.net/) and
I am wondering why it isn't mentioned prominently all over the Python
web site: the tutorial, the links on the left and side of the home page,
topics guides, general reference etc.  I found out about it from reading
one of Guido's recent presentations in which he mentions it as one of
his favorite Python tools.  So why is pychecker such a secret?

This is a really important tool and it patches a major hole in the
Python environment by making many of the checks that compilers make:
pychecker catches unused variables, argument problems and generally
finds problems that will be very hard to find otherwise.

In about one hour I found at least six bugs using pychecker that would
crash Leo in unusual situations.  I just think this is a vital tool for
any significant project.  It should be much easier to find than it is.

BTW, it is easy to run pychecker as described in the URL above, and the
pychecker site above fails to mention an even easier way: running
options.py brings up a gui interface to pychecker.  I found out about
this by studying the pychecker source code!

Edward K. Ream   email:  edream at tds.net
Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines
Leo: http://personalpages.tds.net/~edream/front.html

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