Web scripting with Python (My 2nd post!)

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.net
Thu Mar 7 13:34:29 EST 2002

inerte at hotmail.com (Julio Nobrega) wrote in message news:<40c3f5da.0203070720.6ca52e4 at posting.google.com>...
>   So Andy, that's why I want to reinvent the wheel. First, I want to
> learn Python. Second, I don't think there's a system with the
> infrastructure I need/will develop. Balanced, I will start from
> scratch.

Writing a Web application framework is one of those things that looks
easy enough at first - how hard can it be to do a CGI wrapper after
all? The problem is, after experiencing the low cost of entry with
Python, the tasks just get harder and consume more of your effort than
the application you were wanting to write. How do you do user sessions
properly? How do you authenticate users? Some frameworks already
provide these kinds of facilities without dictating how your
application is going to turn out.

Starting out at a low level is exactly the kind of trap that too many
projects fall into, producing a few 0.0.x releases before disappearing
into the void. And that's just desktop applications - the added
amusements of Web framework development include things like security,
which one might think is easy to address, but it's usually far better
to use trusted security techniques than think up schemes of your own.

I'll accept that some frameworks have a perspective that can seem hard
to share with the developers, and others are under fairly major and
continuous development, but with all the existing Web frameworks out
there, I'm starting to believe that we don't really need many more,
let alone ones which might never approach getting finished.

But don't let me stand in your way. ;-)


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