XML-RPC Question

Brian Quinlan brian at sweetapp.com
Thu Mar 14 15:07:26 EST 2002

Jesper Olsen wrote:
> Setting up a server goes something like this:
>     from SimpleXMLRPCServer import *
>     class MyClass:
>         def helloWorld(self):
>             return "Hello World!"
>         def echo(self, text):
>             return text
>     myob=MyClass()
>     server=SimpleXMLRPCServer(("",50000))
>     server.register_function(myob.helloWorld)
>     server.serve_forever()

While that usage is correct, it is a bit odd. There are two other ways
that my might express this:

# No need for a class
def helloWorld(self):
    return "Hello World!"


# Exports all of the methods in the class
class MyClass:
	def helloWorld(self):
		return "Hello World!"

	def echo(self, text):
		return text


Of course I didn't test the above in any way :-)

> Is there something wrong here, or does SimpleXMLRPCServer, not support
> the listMethods() call?

I'm in the process of reorganizing it a bit, but here is a
SimpleXMLRPCServer implementation that does what you want: 


# Example

server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("",50000))
# Or use the following construction if you want the server to also
# serve HTML documentation on that port (cool, eh?)
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000),

# Make system.listMethods and system.methodHelp work
# Make system.multicall work
# Install your own methods/instance here...


This, or something like this, should make it into Python 2.3.


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