Python Version Strategy?

Trent Mick trentm at
Thu Mar 14 03:35:27 EST 2002

[Bo Vandenberg wrote]
> I'm confused by what is going on with the python versions from various
> sources.
> has a final 2.2 (I use that) but Activestate has a python 2.1 as
> its recommended python and only a 2.2 beta last I looked.

2.2 is the latest stable Python release (modulo your own definition of
stable). It was released 21 Dec 2001.

If your definition of stable is pretty high then you might want to consider
using Python 2.1.2 (i.e. Python 2.1 with two addition bugfix releases).

ActivePython (from ActiveState) does not have a final 2.2 build just because
we are behind (discliamer: I work at ActiveState). Expect an ActivePython 2.2
very soon.

> Redhat, and most (all?) of the linux distros seem to be slow to fully
> upgrade and I feel like this is raining in my cornflakes.

Yup. As I understand it the core Python folks don't really have any pull for
what default Python version gets installed for the various Linux distros.

> I'm not even beginning to think of when the next version of python (3?)
> comes out.

The next version of Python will almost certainly be 2.3. The release schedule
is here:

        Tentative future release dates.

        30-Aug-2002: 2.3   (final release)
        26-Aug-2002: 2.3c1 (release candidate)
        14-Aug-2002: 2.3b2
        17-Jul-2002: 2.3b1
        19-Jun-2002: 2.3a2
        22-May-2002: 2.3a1

> Anyone think they have inside information on all this?

Yup. :)

> What's a forward thinking newbie, with no old code to support to do???

Just get the latest Python 2.2 and start hacking! If you like new things that
come along then upgrade as it comes.


Trent Mick
TrentM at

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