Python and Eclipse

Joseph A Knapka jknapka at
Tue Jun 25 16:24:39 EDT 2002

Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
> Concerning elipse and python, I think there are 2 roads.
> The first one is using jpe ( the
> python-java framework. I've tried it some time ago... and I managed to
>   execute python code from a java VM (a jython prompt in reality! ;) but
> I stopped there. Perhaps Frederic Giacometti and jython folks can give
> some help!
> The second one is to use socket (is possible?) to connect to a python
> server application... (with the plus that switching various python
> versions is very easy)... and move some logic in python (fast
> development times ;)
> The problem, as usual It's that I have no time ;(

I think the latter is the best way. It's not clear, though,
that these are the only two roads. But in any case, we must
IMO be able to debug code under any Python version, preferably
selectable among a number of different installed versions
on the same machine (Eclipse allows this with the JVM, so
I don't see why it would be a problem for Python). That
way we could support CPython and Jython equally well.

Another poster suggests that the Ruby Eclipse plug-in
would be a good place to start, and I'm going to have
a look at that later this week.

-- Joe
   "Many ways to get what you want / I use the best /
    I use the rest!"
    -- Sex Pistols, "Anarchy in the UK"

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