Q: Status of MySQL & Python?

Gerhard Häring gerhard.haering at gmx.de
Sun Jun 30 23:33:16 EDT 2002

* John Hall <wweexxsseessssaa at telusplanet.net> [2002-07-01 03:12 +0000]:
> When trying to run the dbBrowser from Samples, MySQLdb/__init__.py
> does a traceback in line #27 because _mysql is not found. Sure 'nuff,
> I don't have that. I do have souce C source: _mysql.c

Obviously you downloaded the source distribution. It's dead simple to
build this, if you have Visual C++ installed:
- Edit setup.py to point to your MySQL installation
- Enter python setup.py install

But you can just download the binary installers for Windows, which are
available for Python versions from 1.5.2 to 2.2 at the same place as the
source tgz: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22307
If you find any Windows-specific problems with these, complain to me - I
built them.

The source distribution is still useful, because it contains the fine
documentation, which is missing in the binaries.

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