I'd give up Perl tomorrow if only...

Derek Thomson derek at wedgetail.com
Fri Jun 21 20:51:55 EDT 2002

Christopher A. Craig wrote:
> While there isn't any single Python repository as nice as CPAN, you
> can find a module to do just about anything.  Given your list I can
> find a module for everything but Tie on the first try using
> Google. (and I'd guess the fact that I have no idea what Tie is
> contributed to my not finding it)

Yes, but it's been my experience that they are not as well supported or 
complete as their Perl equivalents. Also, I often find that when a 
module does exist, it has been effectively desupported and is no longer 
usable. A flaw common among among open source software - it's 
interesting to "scratch that itch" and develop something cool, it's less 
interesting to support it, keep it up-to-date and generally fight 
against bit-rot.

It's no criticism of Python itself, that's just the way it is. I'm not 
entirely sure why. Perhaps Perl has some critical mass of of module 
contributors and maintainers willing to do less glamorous work. I wish I 


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