How can Python bindings for the Qt toolkit?

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at
Fri Jun 14 04:07:27 EDT 2002

zhao <wangzhao_wz at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't understand how the Sip create Python bindings for C++ libraries. How
> does Sip Python module provides support functions to the automatically
> generated code? I have installed Sip, Python2.2.1 and Qt3.0.4 in Windows.
> But if I write python code, how can it be changed to C++ code so that I can
> use it under Qt software. 

Sounds you need a bit more understanding in what a Python language binding does.
A Python language binding gives you access to functions/methods/constants which
reside in a library which is written in a certain language (not Python) by the
means of Python functions/methods/constants... So: The language binding exposes
a Python interface to the library you want to use.

> Can anybody give me the explanation in details and
> how to install it? 

You really should read the instructions which come with PyQt.

> And when I install PyQt and run pyuic.exe, it always says
> that 'the dynamic link library qt-mt230nc.dll could not be found in the
> specified path'. Why?

This sounds like the typical Qt2.3.0-NonCommercial.exe which forgets to copy
the dll to <windows>/system32. Do this manually.

Hope this helps somehow.


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