SafeArray problem

Michael Weiss FooWeissBarMike at
Wed Jun 19 11:28:36 EDT 2002

> I have not written an idl-file myself, I just used the classwizard in
> Visual Studio to write my method on the automation object (using MFC).
> What do you really want to know? (I looked for idl-files in my project
> but did not find any)

How about an ODL file?

I was just wondering if the in, in/out, retval, pointer vs. non-pointer
symantics of the parameter were wrong. I was guessing by adding a new
parameter (the long) that the safearray's properties were changed for the
better. But I guess with a pure Dispatch interface (dispinterface) that this
kind of stuff isn't done, or at least its done differently.

Still, I wonder if this still isn't the problem of the function not being
declared correctly before you made the change and then when you added that
long the declaration of the safearray was changed.

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