Could someone submit this to the sf-bug tracker, please?(Was: Re: __imul__ broken for 'objects' in 2.2.1)

Skip Montanaro skip at
Mon Jun 10 11:25:32 EDT 2002

    >> Hmm.  You should file a bug on sf so this doesn't get forgotten
    >> (unless it's already been reported, but I don't think so).

    Alexander> Well yes, but then I *can't* which is why I've posted the
    Alexander> previous message.

    Alexander> I tried again today, but logging in from the submission form
    Alexander> has no effect, I'm back to the same form that tells me to
    Alexander> "please log-in" *after* I have completed the log-in step (if
    Alexander> I submit the wrong password, however I do get an error
    Alexander> message). I've tried 3 different browsers (mozilla .94,
    Alexander> konqueror and netscape 4.7)

Do you have cookies enabled?

    Alexander> If my problems don't reflect the weirdness of the proxy I'm
    Alexander> forced to use, I'd really suggest that either the decision
    Alexander> not to allow anonymous bug reports should be reviewed again.

This is really not an option.  Far too often an incomplete bug report would
be filed.  When a python developer wanted more input there was nobody
listening.   There was then no choice but to close the bug report

Skip Montanaro (skip at -
Boycott Netflix - they spam -

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