Problem EmbedingPython w/ Tkinter in C on Linux

Rick Olson r_olson at
Mon Jul 22 21:11:58 EDT 2002

I'm using Python 2.2 on a machine running Red Hat 7.2.  I have some
Python scripts that use Tkinter that I would like to use as the
elements for the interface for a large C program.  Consequently, I'm
trying to embed the Python/Tkinter into C.  It isn't practical for me
to try to extend the C routines from Python.  To complicate things, I
an relatively green at Linux.

I was able to run the embedding demo program.  I also built a 3 line
pythohn script that justs opens a Tkinter window.  It runs fine using
Idle.  Next I tried using RunPy_SimpleFile to run the script.  I ran
into problems, so I backed .  I can compile, but something is missing
as when I try to run the program I get:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 1, in ?
    File "/usr/lib/python2.2/lib-tk/", line 35, in ?
      import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be
configured for Tk
  ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/ undefined
symbol:   _Py_NoneStruct

I attempted to add tcl and tk libraries to the demo makefile and am
now using the makefile below.  Can someone help identify where I'm
running into problems?

Thanks in advance--
Rick Olson

# Makefile for embedded Python modified to include tk and tcl.
CC=   gcc

# Python version

# Top of the build tree and source tree
blddir=  /usr/lib/python2.2/config
srcdir=  /usr/include/python2.2

# Compiler flags
OPT=  -g
INCLUDES= -I$(srcdir)/Include -I$(blddir) -I$(srcdir)

# The Python library
LIBPYTHON=  $(blddir)/libpython$(VERSION).a

# XXX edit LIBS (in particular) to match $(blddir)/Modules/Makefile
TKLIBS=  -ltcl8.3 -ltk8.3 
LIBS=  -lnsl -ldl  -lreadline -ltermcap -lpthread -lieee -lutil

# Build the demo application
all:  CallTkinter
CallTkinter: CallTkinter.o
  $(CC) CallTkinter.o $(ALLLIBS) -o CallTkinter

# Administrative targets
test:  CallTkinter            sh make

  -rm -f *.o core

clobber: clean
  -rm -f *~ @* '#'* CallTkinter

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