python2 import trouble (linux - redhat)

Joseph Wilhelm jwilhelm at
Sun Jul 14 16:26:13 EDT 2002

On Sun, 2002-07-14 at 11:17, Mike Mellor wrote:
> Hello - 
> I am using RH7.2, and have the following python packages 
> installed:
> I am having trouble importing modules with python2 (Python 2.2) that I think should be 
> there, for example, _gtk and GTK.  What do I need to do to get 
> python (actually python2) to import these modules?

I believe, off the top of my head, that all of the Python packages you
have installed are only for Python 1.5.2, since this is the default
Python distribution provided in RedHat (Although this appears to have
changed in the most recent beta! Woohoo!). What I have done in the past
is to build the gnome-python package myself.

You can get the most recent stable gnome-python packages here:

Right now, last I heard, they are still running on gtk1.x, but the
gtk2.x port is well on its way, and should be available "soon". But
that's just what I've heard. It may still be a while out.

Hope that helps

--Joseph Wilhelm

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