`~/.pythonrc' `from __future__ import'

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon Jul 8 14:34:18 EDT 2002

[François Pinard]
>>> How should I proceed to activate this [future division] ]option once
>>> and for all for interactive applications?

>> You can write an alias to start interactive sessions by passing -Qnew to
>> Python.

> I've heard about this undocumented feature indeed, and hoped to go without
> resorting to it.

All the -Q options are documented in the division PEP:


> Moreover, this option only works for division, it does not apparently
> activate generators, for instance.

Yes, -Q is specific to division, as will become clear if you read the PEP
238 "Command Line Option" section.

> I would rather have all future features available all the time when I
> write interactively, yet I guess why some people would prefer not.

There's no way to do that, short of fiddling Python's source code.

> ...
> However, it wonder if this is all fully right.  The actual documentation
> and the PEP say that one could `import __future__' explicitly, so to
> check at run time what features are currently available in the running
> Python.

You could, although I advise against it (see below).  For example,

import sys

    import __future__
    div = __future__.division

except ImportError:
    print "This version of Python predates __future__ statements."

except AttributeError:
    print "This version of Python never heard of future-division."

    opt = div.getOptionalRelease()
    mand = div.getMandatoryRelease()
    if mand is None:
        print "It was decided to drop future division."
    elif sys.version_info >= mand:
        print "future-division is enabled by default."
    elif sys.version_info >= opt:
        print "future-division is available if you explicitly ask for it."
        print "future-division isn't yet available."

prints the truth about future-division under any version of Python that ever
was or ever will be <wink> released.

> Besides its compile-time effect, `from __future__ import division' (say)
> dynamically defines `division' at run-time in the global space, at least
> when done from the startup file,

Yes, its runtime effect is the same as

    from math import cos
    from difflib import SequenceMatcher

or any other "from ... import ..." statement.

> but this is no strong clue about if the feature has been activated or
> not (at least when the Python version lies between the introduction
> version and, excluded, the mandatory version).

That "from __future__ import division" doesn't raise an exception means
you're in one of the four states covered by the "else:" clause above.  The
code there shows how to distinguish among those, but again I don't recommend
trying to do so.  The possibility for this kind of introspection is for
heavy-duty site-management tools (should anyone wish to implement such

> Would it mean that one has no other choice than "benchmark" the feature at
> run-time, the ugly way, to know whether it is active or not?  The current
> intent is to let an `from __future__ import FEATURE' generate an error if
> the FEATURE is wanted in a module, but not available in the current
> Python.
> Suppose, for example, that I write a module in which some function makes
> good use of some future feature (it could be the `yield, statement),
> but I want to provide an alternate implementation of that function which
> is less interesting (because it gets much complex and slower) in case the
> feature is not available.  Since I cannot except out of the `from
> __future__
> import' statement, for reasons I understand, I do not see how I take good
> advantage of available future features, in a program meant to be portable
> between versions.  Maybe the future statement is rougher than I expected?

It's less ambitious than you may want it to be.  It was emphatically not the
intent of future-statements to create multiple "pick and choose" dialects of
Python.  Its only design goal was to provide a transition period between
flat-out incompatible semantics, where during the transition period you:

1. Continue to get the old semantics, but also get warnings about
   code that's going to break when the semantics change.


2. You can explicitly request the new semantics on a module-by-module
   basis, to aid in reworking legacy code incrementally.

#2 is intended for people who want an easy way to turn new semantics on and
off while redoing their code, a bit at a time, to work either way --
provided they care about that.

For everyone else, a future-feature is a planned experimental feature that
may even get dropped (hence the possibility for .getMandatoryRelease() to
return None).  Portable distributed code should never contain a future
statement!  It wasn't designed for that, and, as you've discovered, trying
to use it for that sucks.  It's not for portability:  it's a temporary aid
to ease the transition between incompatible semantics.

Note that, e.g., the only reason generators got put under the __future__
machinery is that they make "yield" a new keyword.  That's "flat-out
incompatible semantics", and the only purpose of the future machinery here
is to give people a release cycle in which to rename their existing "yield"
identifiers (provided they have any -- I haven't yet found any code that
does, although I'm sure some exists somewhere).

the-point-of-__future__-is-mostly-to-ease-living-in-the-past-ly y'rs  - tim

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