ANN: Pyrex 0.4 -- Substantial new features

Greg Ewing see_reply_address at something.invalid
Tue Jul 23 00:01:53 EDT 2002

Pyrex 0.4 is now available:

What is Pyrex?

Pyrex is a new language for writing Python extension modules.
It lets you freely mix operations on Python and C data, with
all Python reference counting and error checking handled

New Features in 0.4

   - "cdef extern from" statement allows inclusion
     of C header files to be specified, solving
     a number of problems including:
       - Clashes between Pyrex and C declarations,
         due to "const" and other reasons
       - Windows-specific features required in
         function declarations
       - Helping deal with types such as "size_t"
       - Helping deal with functions defined as

   - Access to internals of pre-existing extension
     types is now possible by placing an extension
     type declaration inside a "cdef extern from"

Bug Fixes

   - Error not reported properly when passing
     wrong number of args to certain special
     methods of extension types.
     [Mitch Chapman <mitchchapman at>]

   - Compile-time crash when defining an extension
     type with a __hash__ method.

Minor Enhancements

   - Hashing of the scanner source file made more
     platform-independent, making spurious regeneration
     of the pickle less likely.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept,
University of Canterbury,	
Christchurch, New Zealand

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