NEWBIE: for statement in "dive into python" gives syntax error.

John Hunter jdhunter at
Tue Jul 23 16:24:54 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Mack" == Mack  <gugabbe at> writes:

    Mack> Thanks. I just checked out the doc Whats new in 2.0 and
    Mack> found it. I didn't think my redhat 7.1 was that old. I'll
    Mack> just upgrade then.

It's not, but redhat uses python for a lot of things (like their
installer) and I think they have been reluctant to upgrade for fear of
"if it ain't broke, ...".  But if I recall correctly, you can also
install 2.1 from the 7.1 RPMs cd.  But I'm not sure.


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