Autocoding >Re: "Introduction to Ethics",

phil hunt philh at
Tue Jan 29 06:52:15 EST 2002

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 05:43:01 GMT, Timothy Rue <threeseas at> wrote:
>On 28-Jan-02 19:06:11 Neil Hodgson <nhodgson at> wrote:
>>Kragen Sitaker:
>>> Can you explain what he sees VIC as, please?  I really want to know,
>>> but I can't figure it out.
>>   VIC appears to be what was called in the 80s a "software bus": systems
>>software that manages the flow of data between processes and provides
>>facilities to control that flow. The term seems to be used mainly for
>>distributed systems now and there are too many poor matches on Google to
>>find a decent reference to show.
>>   I've worked on some software bus systems and they are often caused by an
>>architect hyper-generalizing: "OK, we have some tabular cost data,
>>interactive forms, and video feeds that need to be displayed on the user's
>>terminal so how about we publish them all over one mechanism with an
>>integrated query language". Such systems often provide high-paying long-term
>>employment with little real possibility of concrete outcomes. Contractor
>>   Neil
>Interesting how so many people see it as something different.
>Why do you suppose that is?

Because byou give so littel information on what it actually is, that
they have to dredge up their imagination to come up with something it 
resembles. A bit like a Rorschash.

>The VIC is the natural laws of the physical phenmenon of how we use
>abstractions within the constraints of computers

What's that mean in English?

===== Philip Hunt ===== philh at =====
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