Autocoding project proposal.

Joshua Macy l0819m0v0smfm001 at
Sat Jan 26 14:33:49 EST 2002

Timothy Rue wrote

>>On Sat, 26 Jan 2002 01:01:08 GMT, Joshua Macy
>><l0819m0v0smfm001 at> wrote:
>>>  Here's a simple python program to count the lines in a specific file:
>>>f = open("myfile.txt")
>>>l = f.readlines()
>>>print len(l), " lines"
>>>Run on itself as input it prints:
>>>3 lines.
>>>How would you accomplish the equivalent with VIC commands?
> Step one: Build tool
> Step two: Create or convert python language reference manual so it is
>           usable by the VIC as a python code foundation
> Step three: create general or basic loop and cycle scripts to put the
>             VIC in motion.
> Step four: Create automation of the Do's, Don't and standards of the
>            python programming language
> Step five: Create automations of repeatable processes when and where they
>            are identified.

   Now wait a minute.  You can't possibly mean that the non-programmer 
users of VIC are going to begin by building tools and converting the 
Python language reference into a VIC code foundation, so you're not 
answering the question I asked.  Let me try again:

  Suppose I, as a non-programming end-user of VIC, have a file and I 
want to know how many lines are in it.  Exactly what do you envision I 
do with those nine VIC commands to get your system to tell me how many 
lines are in the file?  Type out the VIC commands that you would issue, 
assuming that your system was in its final form (somebody else has done 
all five of those steps), so that we can see how non-programmers could 
use VIC to accomplish this task.  If you can do that, we might start to 
have some idea of what you're aiming at.  And don't use analogies: show 
us the commands.


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