BaseHTTPServer & TCP Reset

Scherer, Bill Bill.Scherer at
Thu Jan 24 09:56:33 EST 2002

I'm having a problem with an application using BaseHTTPServer.  

Certain results coming from one method in the application will 
cause a reset at the tcp level.  This is causing great headaches, 
for in IE 5.0, the user is simply warned of the connection reset 
and left at that.  

IE 5.5 however, upon receiving the reset, will rePOST the 
request.  Soetimes it even does a third resubmit, only as a GET 
request.  !?!?!?!?!?

The behavior is repeatable.  The response data is html, with 
proper headers, content-length, etc.  Python is v2.1.1, and OS is 
RH Linux 6.2.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Bill.Scherer at Verizon Wireless
RHCE 807101044903581

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