where is good site for cgi python stuff

Steve Holden sholden at holdenweb.com
Sun Jan 27 10:11:16 EST 2002

"root" <aries at bitstream.net> wrote in message
news:3C51F70C.A1ED0B23 at bitstream.net...
> Hey,
> Just wondering about a good site to see how html forms get
> processed by cgi python scripts.
There are plenty of good answer to this question from past postings. Just go


and enter something like

    python email cgi

Google is your friend, use it before newsgroups (but carry on using the
newsgroups too). One URL I found that covers all the basics is this one:


One thing: supposing your username reflects your Linux login, you really
shouldn't be using your root account to interact over the Internet. If
someone sends you some kind of executable content, either maliciously or by
accident, you'll regret having given them privileged access to your system.

Consulting, training, speaking: http://www.holdenweb.com/
Python Web Programming: http://pydish.holdenweb.com/pwp/

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