Build a help system for a Python application

Martin Franklin martin.franklin at
Thu Jan 10 09:45:56 EST 2002

William Annis wrote:

> Martin Franklin <martin.franklin at> writes:
>> I use HTML for my help files and a little html viewer (based on the
>> Tkinter
>> Text widget I found inside the PTUI tool (check the vaults)  This is OK
>> for basic help but does not support images.....
>         Hmm.  I did basically the same thing, ripping out certain
> dependencies, and moving some classes into the file so that the help
> system fit into a single .py.  I also made some changes to how the
> fonts worked, so a little more HTML actually works.  I use it in my
> Mom.v3 code.
>         Perhaps we should compare notes, and make the thing public.
> Several people have asked for small, simple HTML viewer for on-line
> help.  It might even be pretty simple to make images work.

Sounds good to me.  I just had a look at the code and I do have a  
showImage method in my htmlviewer class.....  I think I recall finding this 
'out there somewhere' and putting it into to my version.

def showImage(self, src, alt, ismap, align, width, height):
        url=install_dir+'/'+src   ### don't recall why I added this?!? 
            img = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file=url)
            if alt:
                self.text.insert('insert', 'Image file error alt=%s\n' %alt)
                self.text.insert('insert', '*** Broken Image ***\n')
            img = None
        if img:
            padx, pady = 10, 10
            padx, pady = 0, 20
            if string.lower(align) == "left":
                padx = 0
            self.text.image_create(index="insert", image=img, padx=padx,         
            self.text.insert('insert', '\n')
            self.images.append(img)     # keep a reference

You also require a the following method in the Parser class...

    def handle_image(self, src, alt, ismap, align, width, height):
        self.formatter.writer.viewer.showImage(src, alt, ismap, align,
            width, height)


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