Python Extension Designer / Builder.

Gustavo Córdova Avila gcordova at
Fri Jan 25 18:51:35 EST 2002

David: You hit the nail on the head; I didn't actually
know *why* SWIG seemed to me backwards, but it gave me
an ugly gut feeling everytime I sat down to use it.
But, having the code generator in python, it's much
easier to work with, and control.

Eric: This is *most* interesting, I'm gonna give it a
thorough checking, must be there some good ideas.

My idea of using XML as a description language is that,
first, it's already a standard for metadata representation.

Second, it's "trivial" (for certain values of "trivial")
to take an existing python module, pass it through a
python-to-xml-ifier, and obtain a compatible XML document,
which can be fed to the C code generator, and obtain
a functionally equivalent extension module.

Also, I kinda dig XML, and wanted to do something
really interesting in it. :)

Thanks y'all for your comments :)


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