Paper "PDF Editing and Processing" at IPC 10?

Dinu Gherman gherman at
Tue Feb 26 02:33:03 EST 2002

In article <Byhb8.10471$SJ3.374979 at>,
 "Jeff Hinrichs" <jlh at> wrote:

> I was at the presentation.  It was a system that parsed pdf files in to
> pythonic objects and structures and allowed for editing and saving existing
> pdf docs.  It was written completely in python.  The down side is that the
> presenter had no code to show or share and seemed quite taken aback when
> requests were made.
> He said in a "few months" after the code had been "cleaned up."  So, it
> doesn't appear as though they will be releasing it.   Too bad, it was quite
> interesting.
> -Jeff

In private communication Eric Deng told me about the same thing.
I don't think I really care, but I'm flabbergasted to see a paper 
being accepted without anybody having the possibility to verify 
or falsify its contents. I hope we'll do better for EPC 2002, the 
EuroPython conference in June:



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