Pythonistas? <- Re: OT: Perl programmers?

Tim Hammerquist tim at
Wed Feb 13 21:16:45 EST 2002

Keith Keller <kkeller at> graced us by uttering:
> Tim Hammerquist <tim at> writes:
>> IIRC, "agua" _is_ feminine, but takes the masculine article when
>> singular. Mi diccionario dice que "agua" es feminina, también.
>> OTOH, la palabra "mar" es masculina _y_ feminina. Por ejemplo:
>>     "el agua en la mar"     # Correct
>>     "las aguas del mar"     # Correct
> Es mas malo que Perl!  ;-)

Possibly, as you seem to define "worse". At least in Perl5, if you
see $palabra, you can be sure it's a scalar, and @lista is an array.

OTOH, exceptions in Spanish are much less frequent than in English or
French.  Pronunciation is nearly 100% predictable, and there are more
regular verbs than most languages.

(I have no knowledge of German.)

> (yes, it's been a decade since I spoke Spanish, why do you ask?)

No es importante. Es importante que Ud. continue aprender. Puede
aprender Español, Ingles, Japonés, Perl, Python, o Ruby.

> --keith

Tim Hammerquist
: Do you want perl everywhere or not?

No, sometimes I just want it nearby.
    -- Larry Wall in <199904091930.MAA06625 at>

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