Delphi vs Python

Mitch Chapman Mitch.Chapman at
Thu Feb 7 11:56:38 EST 2002

Bo Vandenberg wrote:
> Has anyone used Delphi to make python called DLL's ?

Have you heard of PythonForDelphi?  It uses Delphi's VARIANT 
types to wrap up access to Python objects.  In other words,
it lets you embed Python in Delphi and access Python objects as
if they were native Delphi objects.  And it does this without
requiring you to write any wrapper code.  It's amazing,
especially if you've tried embedding Python in C/C++.

Highly recommended for building GUI apps under Windows.

The documentation consists mostly of tutorials, some of which show 
the "hard" way to solve various problems.  But it's not bad. 
Besides, if I think it could be better then I ought to help improve 
it rather than whine like an ingrate :)

Mitch Chapman
Mitch.Chapman at

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