Defending the Python lanuage...

Greg Ewing greg at
Mon Feb 11 22:33:01 EST 2002

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> I suppose it might be a brain thing. I use my left hand for writing and
> drawing while I use my right hand for more coarse-grained tasks, like
> throwing a ball and such. I wouldn't count myself as ambidextrous though.

I'm not sure that coarse/fine is the right way to describe
the distinction even in normal unidextrous (is that the
right word?) people. Consider the fact that most right-handed
guitar players use the left hand for fingering, and the
right hand for the relatively dextrously undemanding
function of strumming. Why is that?

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, University of Canterbury,	  
Christchurch, New Zealand
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