Java vs Python Benchmarks: Java is faster

Ype Kingma ykingma at
Mon Feb 4 14:12:38 EST 2002


you wrote:
> I guess I imagine that Python's speed issues are:
>  1. Ultra-late binding of, and consequent repetitive lookups of,
>     global names, attributes, methods, module members, etc.
>     (Of course, unless names like 'int' and 'float' can be bound
>     at compile time, optional type declarations are unhelpful.)
>     Since many people like this about Python, and many have used it
>     in existing code, effort is focused on making lookups cheaper
>     (or caching the results) rather than changing the binding
>     behavior to require fewer lookups overall.
>  2. Nothing ever gets compiled to anything even close to
>     machine code.  This is largely because the Python development
>     team doesn't have the resources to invest in it.  Clearly
>     there's something to gain by moving the huge ceval.c loop/switch
>     from runtime to compile time.  No one knows how much.  Clearly
>     there's something to lose from the resulting explosion in the
>     complexity of the compiler.

Please note that jython is compiled directly to Java opcodes.
Anything that makes interpreting these faster (JIT, native compilation)
will make jython faster.


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