More license stuff

Virginia O vodine at
Thu Feb 14 17:25:32 EST 2002

I snagged this question from a thread below...

>>OK, let's forget about the legal stuff for the moment.

 More importantly, good manners. Let's say I'm wrapping up a Python program
with py2exe, and I'm going to distribute it. Which files would I be expected
to include as a matter of courtesy to the Python developers (and the
developers of any additional modules that I use)? Just the licence files, or
is there anything else?

Simon Brunning

I also, being a newbie, don't understand what all this licensing jargon
means in terms of distribution. If I write a program, and sell it, then
what? I do understand I need to speak with a intellectual properties lawyer,
but I'd like to get a handle on things before I get started.


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