More license stuff

Karl M. Syring syring at
Thu Feb 14 17:32:15 EST 2002

"Virginia O" <vodine at> schrieb
> I snagged this question from a thread below...
> >>OK, let's forget about the legal stuff for the moment.
>  More importantly, good manners. Let's say I'm wrapping up a Python
> with py2exe, and I'm going to distribute it. Which files would I be
> to include as a matter of courtesy to the Python developers (and the
> develop
ers of any additional modules that I use)? Just the licence files, or
> is there anything else?
> Cheers,
> Simon Brunning
> >>>>>>>>>
> I also, being a newbie, don't understand what all this licensing jargon
> means in terms of distribution. If I write a program, and sell it, then
> what? I do understand I need to speak with a intellectual properties
> but I'd like to get a handle on things before I get started.

Don't worry now. It takes some time until somebody thinks, your software is
valuable enough to steal it. Generally, you should be more worried about
compensation claims from customers for lost business.

Karl M. Syring
C++ is history repeated as tragedy. Java is history repeated as farce.
    - Scott McKay

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