Stackless Platform Independence?

Christian Tismer tismer at
Sat Feb 23 12:08:31 EST 2002

Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:

>>>- Platform independence is gone.
>>I hope not...  I would hope to hear that "platform indepedence has
> That's the human nature. Tismer writes half a dozen mails, some with
> unbelivable results, and some asking for help. One of the first answers
> he gets is complaining about something.

Oh, that's fine with me. I'm happy to donate my old,
independent implementation over to the first one who
can prove to understand it. Abandoning this code
has been kind of lifesaver for me. I will not go
that path again anymore. Instead, if Guido decides
to re-write half of Python in order to make it
stackless by nature, then I'll be happy to help.

> Thanks Tismer. I'll let you know if I do any work about it or find
> someone to sponsor you. Personally, I'd like to see it running in PowerPC
> Linux. Maybe it's a good reason to learn ppc assembly.

Thank you very much, I'd appreciate any help!

Have you had a look into "switch_MS_WIN32.h"?
The switching code is below 10 assembly insns.
It should not be a problem to implement, at
least for all machines which don't keep the
stack in registers or such. Spark is such an animal.

It is funny: The switching code is much smaller
than the code that makes Stackless stackless.
The latter has more housekeeping, since I wanted
to do the wrapped interpreter call in C and not
in assembly, in order to make porting easier.

Well, back to work - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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