Help: I want a chat script!

Flavian Hardcastle deathtospam43423 at
Sat Feb 9 21:52:40 EST 2002

"Chris Gonnerman" <chris.gonnerman at> wrote in
news:mailman.1013306296.2115.python-list at 

> Let's go over this step-by-step.  First, what web server did you
> download? Most docs assume Apache.
It's called Lil' HTTP server by Summit Communications Networks

> You have a form (stored in a .html file or produced by a cgi script,
> doesn't matter) which contains something like this:
>     <form method='POST' action=''>
> "script" must be a script file in the cgi-bin directory.  You probably
> can shortcut it like this:
>     <form method='POST' action='/cgi-bin/script'>
> and this is probably better.
The actual text on my html form is 

    	<FORM method="post" Action="script.cgi">

I have tried changing the file the file extension to script.text, 
script.dat, and even as you seem to recommend above, just script. I press 
the SEND button on the form and a blank form comes up, with the filename 

> The 11.2 docs then describe how you decode the data sent by the form.
This is the problem. I write data on the form, but no data turns up in the 
file(?) Isn't there supposed to be? 

> If you are still having problems, please post code (and tell us what
> webserver software you are using).
Thanx. Here's the form (minus the head and title)...



<FORM method="post" Action="script.cgi">

<INPUT NAME="name" Size=50 Type="text"> <B>Your Name</B><BR>
<INPUT NAME="email" Size=50 Type="text"> <B>Your E-Mail Address</B><BR>

<B>Would you like a reply? </B>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="reply" VALUE="yes"> <B>Yes</B> <INPUT 
TYPE="radio" NAME="reply" VALUE="no"> <B>No</B><P>

<!-- This is the spot to specify your email address. -->
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="submitaddress" VALUE="user at">

<B>Write to me below:</B><P>

<INPUT TYPE=submit Value="SEND">
<INPUT TYPE=reset Value="CLEAR">


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