Using Python to generate MIDI files (Mac)

gbreed at gbreed at
Fri Feb 15 12:38:29 EST 2002

kevin parks wrote:

> Just curious. I would have thought that someone might have done this
> buy now. I am surpised there is not much call for MIDI modules in
> Python. MIDI (though in general total crap for some musical
> application (like anything not equal-tempered, which pretty much kills
> anything i am doing) (ironic isn't it? MIDI was made for music!, see
> skinny and other protocols for what should have been) MIDI is ok for
> some music applications and for controlling (music, lighting, etc.)

It's interesting you mention not equal-tempered in that rant.  What are 
you actually working on?  I've got C++ MIDI software, see 
<> you might get some inspiration 
from.  Now you have a basic library, perhaps I could assist you on 
improving it.  Contact me privately if this is getting to specialist.


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