high precision mathematics

Paul Rubin phr-n2002a at nightsong.com
Sun Feb 17 11:33:27 EST 2002

"Stephen L Arnold" <sarnold at arnolds.dhs.org> writes:
> Having just browsed the pyginac page for the first time, I'm 
> probably just flapping my gums, but why would you want a symbolic 
> math package for high-precision math?  I would think a python 
> wrapper for GMP would do it.  If such a wrapper already exists then 
> you're good to go.  Otherwise, go get swig and generate one.  The 
> Pyginac thing looks cool (if unfinished) but why use it if you 
> don't have to?

There's already a python wrapper for GMP (gmpy.sourceforge.net) but
the OP wanted scientific functions, and gmpy doesn't provide those but
ginac does.  If you just want to call the functions, using pyginac is
probably the easiest thing to do, rather than trying to implement
your own wrapper or function library.

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