Website to post code for peer review

Ben Jacobs dooberwah at
Mon Feb 25 17:42:43 EST 2002

Hello everyone, 
	I'm new to python and haven't totally found my way all around the
community yet. I looking for a good web site where I can submit the code I
write to be looked at and reviewed by other programmers. What I have in mind
is something like, but for python related stuff
(please don't flame me because I like perl as well as python).
	PerlMonks is a large web site where perl hackers can hang our, swap
code, and chat about perl or programming in general. It allows people to
reply and vote on code you write. People can gain experience points and
different levels depending on how many votes their code gets.
	comp.lang.python offers some of these of thing, but from my brief
stay here I've felt that it's mostly a place to get your programming
questions answered. I've looked at the "community"
page, but none of the sites on the list seem to have what I'm looking for.
>From what I've seen, is a just a place for python
programmers to host their web pages. It lacks the kind of organization I'm
interested in. If you know of any sites that provide these kinds of
services, please post their urls. Thanks.

-Ben Jacobs
"one thing i can tell you is you got to be free."

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