HELP! Must choose language!

Grant Edwards grante at
Tue Dec 31 10:56:44 EST 2002

In article <v129kf5800s756 at>, John Burgoon wrote:

> OK, I'll throw out THIS question...
> Let's say I want to "learn programming" in your ideal five or
> six languages. What are the first five (ten? fifteen?) projects
> that you would have me do? Example: Project One is HelloWorld.

Ideally, the projects should be things in which you're
interested and want to have done.  For example, if you're a
golfer, you may want to write a program to track your handicap.
Pick something reasonable, don't try to write a 3-D golf
simulator as your first program.

> And should I do those projects in one language, then proceed to
> the next, or should I do each project in each of five or six
> languages before moving to the next project?

It's often interesting to write the same program in two
different languages, but I don't know that it's required.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Ha ha  Ha ha Ha ha
                                  at               Ha Ha Ha Ha -- When will I
                                 EVER stop HAVING FUN?!!

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