HELP! Must choose language!

Bengt Richter bokr at
Tue Dec 31 14:14:54 EST 2002

On 31 Dec 2002 15:56:44 GMT, grante at (Grant Edwards) wrote:

>In article <v129kf5800s756 at>, John Burgoon wrote:
>> OK, I'll throw out THIS question...
>> Let's say I want to "learn programming" in your ideal five or
>> six languages. What are the first five (ten? fifteen?) projects
>> that you would have me do? Example: Project One is HelloWorld.
>Ideally, the projects should be things in which you're
>interested and want to have done.  For example, if you're a
>golfer, you may want to write a program to track your handicap.
>Pick something reasonable, don't try to write a 3-D golf
>simulator as your first program.
>> And should I do those projects in one language, then proceed to
>> the next, or should I do each project in each of five or six
>> languages before moving to the next project?
>It's often interesting to write the same program in two
>different languages, but I don't know that it's required.
IMO it's more important to do one version based on objects than
to duplicate procedural habits of thought in several languages.
I'm wondering if programming newbies would benefit from doing
the object-oriented version first. I suspect so. And Python makes
it easy enough.

Python is fine for doing it both ways (with meta stuff as bonus).

Bengt Richter

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