Switch from perl to python?

Roy Smith roy at panix.com
Sat Dec 14 00:08:49 EST 2002

elechak at bigfoot.com (Erik Lechak) wrote:
> Why should I use python rather than perl?
> (I like perl so saying that the syntax of python is superior to perl
> isn't an argument to get me to change.)

The biggest reasons I like python over perl are:

1) syntax (had to say it)
2) object orientation
3) interactive (I can just fire up an interpreter and type stuff at it 
to test ideas; building it with gnu readline support makes it even that 
much more convenient).

> Where is python's equivalent to CPAN?

Python comes with a good-sized standard library, and there are lots of 
public domain modules to use, but alas, there is no direct equal to CPAN.

> Are there any benchmark comparisons between python and perl?

Lots of them, try a google search.  Which is faster depends a lot on 
what you're doing, but if I had to put a number to it, I'd guess that 
Perl is typically faster by about a factor of two.  I consider that 
completely inconsequential for most purposes.

> Are python threads fully functional?

Not sure what you mean by "fully functional", but I suspect the answer 
is "yes".

> How active is python development (interpreter, modules)?

Very.  There are some who think versions come out *too* frequently.

> Are pythoners actually interested in the parrot(perl6) interpreter?

I suppose some must be :-)

> What are python's shortcomings?

>From an adoption point of view, the indentation issue is probably the 
single biggest thing which turns people away.  You just have to get over 
it.  We've got a guy here (hot-shot C++ type) who insists he'd try 
Python, but can't get past the indenting issue.  His loss.

> Can I distribute a reliable python/GUI application without including
> the source (not interested in obfuscation or source filters)?

Nope.  As you hinted at, there are a few "tricks" for obscuring the 
source, but in the end analysis, your customers will have access to the 
source.  Same with Perl, no?  If this is a show-stopper for you, best 
stick to compiled languages like C++.

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