Switch from perl to python?

Erik Lechak elechak at bigfoot.com
Fri Dec 13 23:52:20 EST 2002

Hello all,

For years I have been using perl as my language of choice for most
tasks.  And perl has been up to the challenge.  I recently downloaded
python and started to tinker with it.  I like what I see. I am almost
convinced to devote the time to make python my language of choice. I
am about ready to start a new project where both perl and python would

Why should I use python rather than perl?
(I like perl so saying that the syntax of python is superior to perl
isn't an argument to get me to change.)

Where is python's equivalent to CPAN?
Are there any benchmark comparisons between python and perl?
Are python threads fully functional?
How active is python development (interpreter, modules)?
Are pythoners actually interested in the parrot(perl6) interpreter?
What are python's shortcomings?
Can I distribute a reliable python/GUI application without including
the source (not interested in obfuscation or source filters)?

Erik Lechak

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