Use of python

Bengt Richter bokr at
Fri Dec 6 16:55:07 EST 2002

On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 15:27:56 -0300, rui rojas <rojo_rui at> wrote:

>I'm new at programming and I've been adviced to start with Python. I 
>have read the tutorials and understood the basis. I have anready been 
>able to make little programs but I still don't get the main point: what 
>kind of fun or useful things can you program (don't compare please, 
>remember this is my first language :O))? or, in other words, what do you 
>  people, program on it?? Is my problem that i don't know all the 
>modules, or that python needs to be complemeted with other languages or 
I've been told Python kitchenware and appliances are great, but now what?
I've been told Python instruments are very playable, but now what?
I've been told Python makes a great scratcher for itches, but now what?
I've been told Python is great for writing software, but now what?

Wait for hunger, inspiration, an itch, or some need to write software, I guess ;-)

Whatever you're interested in, if there's a programming aspect to it, chances are
you can use Python to good advantage. Browse links from
Something is likely to catch your fancy ;-)

Bengt Richter

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