Why is Python popular, while Lisp and Scheme aren't?

Pascal Costanza costanza at web.de
Mon Dec 2 17:05:43 EST 2002

Daniel Silva wrote:
> On Behalf Of Pascal Costanza
> Beware: Common Lisp and Scheme are languages that are very different
> in
>>certain areas, and their user communities have different goals.

> Sorry; I only meant that it is a good IDE (the language-neutral
> check-syntax is great, for example), and while it is bundled with a
> Scheme interpreter, you could put other languages on it if you were so
> inclined, like Java, Lisp, or Python.
> (well, the editor works regardless... but for the actual execution and
> program analysis tools, you'll need to write a small compiler).

I wasn't aware of that - this is indeed interesting. Thanks for the 
information. (I have taken a look at DrScheme some months ago, and it 
looked very nice...)


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