display an xml file as an hierarchy in gui

Cameron Laird claird at starbase.neosoft.com
Mon Aug 19 09:29:46 EDT 2002

In article <m2sn1bceyh.fsf at boiko_linux.demogr.mpg.de>,
Serge Boiko  <boiko at demogr.mpg.de> wrote:
>The problem: 
>I have an xml file containing some data that can be
>modified by the user; the user can add data entries, sort data or make
>searches, thus the xml file will be modified and stored for the later
>The structure of xml file is displayed as a list using a gui widget and
>this list representation is the view of xml model, using MVC
>terminology. Initially I implemented this using minidom parser, and
>did all searches and sorting operating directly on xml. This solution,
>however is not very fast. Java implementation is about 100 times
>faster using (using jdom parser).
>Another solution is to read xml file into dictionary of objects
>holding the structure of xml file and manipulate directly on
>dictionary, instead of xml file. In this case it's possible to use sax
>for reading and writing xml file.
>I'd like to know whether this solution is optimal, or I would happy to
>hear about alternatives.

As it happens, a collective of Tcl programmers is working
in much the same area right now (I mean *right* now; I've
got a chat session going in another window) <URL: http://
wiki.tcl.tk/stardom >.  The first few rounds of speedups
have improved performance by three orders of magnitude, I
think.  You're welcome to read what we've been doing, and
join in the discussions.

Incidentally, jdom isn't the ultimate in speed, either.
More on that, in the future.

Cameron Laird <Cameron at Lairds.com>
Business:  http://www.Phaseit.net
Personal:  http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html

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