(OT) Curtesy CC's (Whitelist/verification spam filters

David Mertz, Ph.D. mertz at gnosis.cx
Tue Aug 27 23:24:30 EDT 2002

Paul> Generally if I ask something on Usenet, I'll watch the newsgroup
Paul> for replies and most people will in fact reply on Usenet.  It bugs
Paul> me when I get emailed replies unless there's a really specific
Paul> reason to reply by email (e.g. the email contains private info).

Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> wrote previously:
|I find it a courtesy for people to cc me on their replies as well as post to
|the list.  Usenet and mail server delays being what they are, I appreciate
|seeing the author's reply as early as possible...

I think I have a somewhat different attitude toward email responding to
a Usenet post than do either Paul of Skip.

Unlike Paul, I am very happy to receive email comments stemming from
something I wrote on Usenet.  That's another reason I don't mangle my
address...  I've been thrown off by not noticing a mangling enough times
to find it annoying when I have useful information for posters.

But unlike Skip, I don't particularly want to be CC'd on a message also
sent to the newsgroup.  I read and follow the newsgroups I post
to--especially the threads I contribute to.  More often than not, when I
get something in my mailbox, my feeble mind assumes that it was
something meant for me personally rather than part of the discussion per
se.  Half the time, I write back a personal message, and only afterwards
notice it was public, then have to decide if my own response merits
publication.  I'm a simple minded fellow, I admit.

I will often email someone who made a Usenet comment--I feel like their
contribution invites that (but I won't to Paul, now that I know better).
But only if I have something to say that I feel is relevant only to
them, rather than to the group as a whole.  Sometimes it is just to
compliment or query some comment they made.  Sometimes because I'd like
to initiate some side correspondence or collaboration.  Stuff like that.

Yours, David...

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of
the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the
underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual
property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

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