wxRadioBox : start with none selected?

Fri Aug 2 17:32:06 EDT 2002

Tim, I misread your note.  I know what you mean about making an option
"Choose one" so that they have to actively choose from (1) or (2)
since (0) is taken.  I had thought of that, and might try it, trading
off function and aesthetics.    Additionally I can disable (0) so that
it starts on (0), but clearly avoids it and is visually different from
(1) and (2).  We'll see.  I can also try hiding an item, (0), but not
sure if that will work, since the defaut position would be hidden and
original programmers might not have liked that.  But they allow
default to be disabled, so maybe it'll work

On Fri, 02 Aug 2002 07:03:21 -0400, chris <> wrote:

>Thanks for your reply Tim,
>Unfortunately I'd have to tell them: "Please pick one, and if you're
>going to pick number one (which is already marked for you), please
>choose number two first, and then go back and select number one, so
>that I can have it on record that you chose number one."
>I'll look into radiobuttons...

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