Accessing mdb(access 2000) files on linux using python

Tino Lange tl_news at
Fri Apr 19 02:33:52 EDT 2002

On 17 Apr 2002 09:37:03 -0700, martin_byrne2 at (B) wrote:
>Just wondering if anyone knows how to manipulate mdb files stored on a
>linux webserver using python.Using win32com on windows is fine but on
>linux can i manipulate the database using pythons odbc connectivity or
>is there another way.

>Any suggestions, links or sample code would be of great help.

You can use the Access ODBC-Driver on the Widows box and export it to
your Linux machines using the (commericial) ODBC-ODBC-Bridge.

Then it's no proble at all to access the Aceess Files, Even Excel
Sheets and so on from Linux/Unix using for example mxODBC.

Hope this helps


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