Python's Lisp heritage

James J. Besemer jb at
Sun Apr 28 17:29:25 EDT 2002

Steve Holden wrote:

> Don't quote me out of context, dammit. Just because you didn't detect the
> humour didn't mean it wasn't there. And it waas "reeducated", not
> "reprogrammed to think Pythonically".

(a) Ironically, seriously and truly, you weren't the only person to make a
remark like that to me last week.  So I wasn't intentionally quoting you or
anybody specific.  I was merely paraphrasing my sense of the group consciousness
to the best of my recollection. Damn it.

(b) "Just because you didn't detect the humor didn't mean it wasn't there."
Frankly, I think the L. Ron Hubbard/reprogramming angle is way funnier than
being reeducated by the Khmer Rogue.  Damn it.

(c) You need to lighten up, damn it.  There's a whole vast world out there
beyond the kingdom of Python.  Damn it.

> People can also learn to ride bicycles where turning the handlebars to the
> left turns the wheel to the right.
> People can even learn to program in C, dammit.
> Your problem is you just won't take those damned glasses off again now
> you've got used to them.

What glasses?  Oh, you mean the example *I* used earlier about how people can
adapt to anything?  And how just because people can adapt (e.g., to Python)
doesn't mean it is flawless?

What's your point again?  Damn it.  ;o)

I've programmed in many different languages over the decades and even maintained
and implemented a few myself.  I think my perspective is at least as broad and
objective as anybody here.  Way more so than some I've seen in my short time

You seem to be the one who is locked into just one way of viewing the world.

> True. But passion is a relative judgement. Programming languages and
> operating systems stopped being a religious issue for me many years ago, and
> so I tend to reserve passion for more appropriate activities.

Geeze you sure fooled me.   ;o)

I gotta say, though, if one more ankle biter sycophant quotes the scriptures
according to Guido to me, I think I'm gonna puke.

Elsewhere, Steve Holden adds:

> And I can say dugapoopoo too. I'll cut out the cheerleading and
> defensiveness immediately :-)

I'm not holding my breath.  ;o)



James J. Besemer  503-280-0838 voice  503-280-0375 fax
mailto:jb at

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