Downloading pages from a Windows Intranet

Gustavo Cordova gcordova at
Thu Apr 4 10:55:53 EST 2002

> Trying to use urllib or urllib2 to get a page from our Intranet
> (Windows) gives me an Access Denied error.  The funny thing is that on
> some pages it works (?).  Any way, someone found a Perl module
> (Win32::Internet) that creates an object oriented interface to the
> Win32 Internet Functions (WININET.DLL).  With it we can get any page
> from our intranet, even asp pages.  Is there an equivalent module or
> functions that I could use from Python?  Or can anyone give me an
> example of how to work around this?  Or should I just settle for a
> Perl/Python solution?

This is really strange, because here at work urllib and urllib
work like a charm, I've used them to prove my point about python
being a powerful tool (instead of a curious toy) more than once,
by showing that very few python lines can create a powerful tool
if used properly.

So, unless you're using some kind of authentication which is not
part of the http protocol, we can't really help you much unless
you give us a bit more information.

Check your internet connection settings, show us a bit of code,
what error tracebacks do you see? etc.



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